It’s winter, folks. Even though you can walk around Manhattan in shirtsleeves, and even though a few flowers have put on a surprise late bloom, the High Line begins observing winter hours tomorrow, December 1. Which means it’s your last chance of the year for a late-night stroll in paradise. But what a night it is: clear, crisp, with a waxing crescent moon. There’s an art film being shown near the lawn, and lots of folks were huddled together watching it when I passed by. And Glenn Close is nearby too; peer over the railing at 22nd Street and you might catch her shooting an episode of “Damages” right in front of the Spears Building.

Before we know it the park will be covered in ice and snow, and the plants, trees and grasses will begin their winter hibernation. But there’s one night left to enjoy, so get off your duff and head over there.