I’ve stopped marveling at the fact that every time I visit the High Line I notice something new; it’s just the reality of this place, and one of its many charms. But here’s a new view that surprised me yesterday, something I never noticed before: the building across the street from the Tenth Avenue Square, on 17th street, is reflected in the giant window there. This is a street view; it’s a tricky, unpredictable intersection that requires concentration not on the High Line but on the traffic (cars, skateboarders, cyclists, trucks, doormen hailing cabs, scooters, jaywalking pedestrians, dogs, baby carriages; but no more freight trains). I only noticed it because I was looking up at the guy in the balaclava who was taking a stop-time series of images of the new High Line billboard (click the image to see him more closely).
In the late afternoon, many buildings around the High Line — and particularly the DEA headquarters, shown above and below — reflect a lovely diamond pattern from the setting sun. Nowadays the glassy buildings like the IAC Headquarters and the Jean Nouvel apartment building tend to get the most dramatic reflections, but the old warehouses uniquely display this unusual light patterning.
Just another example of how the park and its surroundings continually engage with each other.