Readers of this blog know that I have been mourning the impending loss of Stephen Vitiello’s “A Bell For Every Minute” exhibit, which comes down on June 20th. But you can be consoled by a very cool exhibit in the new section of the park — at around 21st Street — by the artist Sarah Sze. There’s a way in which this is a “living” exhibit: there are trays with seeds to attract birds and orange and apple slices to attract butterflies. And the little bird houses in the sky make a nice contrast to the sturdy human abodes that you can see in the distance, through the exhibit — the stately water towers of the Lincoln Towers apartment building and the Empire State Building.
I caught this fella, a house wren, early this morning. If you were a bird, isn’t this where you’d want to be?

I like very much the Sarah’s works because she have a new vew about life and cosmos too. So she is an artist unusual and good too. My best regard to her.
The works showes from Sarah are very nice and good too. So she show us her kind of animals wild life and at the same time she add to her art works a sense difrent where we could see anything beautiful.
My regars to her from Porto city. Portugal.